Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentines Day - "Jesus Loves Me"

Here in Sawang Dandin, we make a special effort to make Valentines a special time. In America, I suppose it is considered a children's holiday (remember exchanging Valentines Cards in grade school?). Or it is like everything else, a retailers' and florist shop's marketing effort to boost sales. Of course we all like roses and chocolates. And we do not think the roots of "St. Valentines Day" are anything special, but Thai students know it as an English speakers special day. What we do is use the theme of "Love" to teach about God's wonderful love to mankind through the Lord Jesus Christ. This year we had a special speaker and friend come from a neighboring country share with our English Evangelism students. We know of one young student who trusted the Lord during the meeting. Many other students heard the gospel for the first time. It was a lot of fun for the kids, and us and a blessing.
This is Thai style "Dinner on the grounds" or literally dinner on the ground between our buildings, sitting on picnic mats. What a fun way to eat a valentines dinner!

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