Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joint meeting in Sawang Dandin and "Multi-purpose" cement pad

This past Sunday we had a joint meeting with the Santisuk Baptist Church here in Sawang Dandin. What a wonderful time of testimonies and sharing from the Word. Our church facility has continued to be a great blessing here in our area.

Our sports area has been enhanced by two new Huffy portable basketball backboard and stands, and other new equipment donated by a pastor friend at the Nontaburi Baptist Church in Bangkok. So in the time before the mid-week meeting here, the young people mill around in and out. For sports, we offer basketball, volley ball, takro, badminton, table tennis, and there were children playing Thai style jump rope using rubber bands. Others were playing with building blocks, dolls, and some were doing their homework here while waiting for the Bible Study. Neighbors were invited and the group is growing . Praise the Lord for one of the nicest church facilities in the province. God has blessed and you have been part of it through your prayer and support.

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