All Classes and Meetings now at new "Center"
Snack time for our Saturday English Evangelism Class, just before Miss Kaew teaches in our new auditorium.
Snack time for our Saturday English Evangelism Class, just before Miss Kaew teaches in our new auditorium.
Article by
Don and Gail
7:25 PM
Miss Kaew showing her new lovely home, a place to serve God, provided by the Lord.
How the fire has been a blessing to Sawang Dandin! November 22, traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We have lots to be thankful for this year. And we are sharing it with our friends, English students and fellow Christians here. Gail cooked up two of the largest turkeys we could find with all the trimmings, including cranberry sauce (now sold in Thailand!) and of course apple pie and pumpkin pie for desert.
This little cute girl is the niece of one of our construction workers.
Mrs. Nari and her brother, from Nong Mek church.
Miss Phat, Miss Kaew, Miss Walangkana, Miss Cheryl all joining in our Thanksgiving time here in Sawang Dandin.
Miss Cheryl sharing and blessing Miss Kaew's new house.
More cooks, make light the work and the best broth in Thailand!
This is fun and delicious
Finally, work being done on the youth building.
Article by
Don and Gail
9:47 PM
These days our Sawang Danding Baptist Church team is busy in the ministry again teaching English. Here is our "Adult Evangelistic English Class" meeting twice a week studying English Conversation and Bible. Nexts is Miss Kaew, our single co-worker teaching some of the elementary school age children the Bible.
Article by
Don and Gail
9:36 PM
During the past month, most of the building project was done for the main building (Where our apartment is and the Church auditorium is) and the Parsonage building. We could secure the home well and were able to participate in Thailand field-wide activities during the month of November.
This is the Leadership board for the Association of Romprakhun Fundamental Baptist Churches. as well as the Thailand Association of Baptist Churches for World Evangelism (or TABWE)
(Front row) Pastor Phonsak Sukachintanakan, Chairman; Pastor Bualiang Srimukda, Vice-Chairman; Pastor Phairat Prasitnok, Treasurer; Pastor Sakchai Prathesa, Secretary; Pastor Sutorn Khama; Pastor Somchit Jaengprai; Pastor Phairat Senakhun; and Pastor Wirasak Tuchinda. (Back Row) Advisors, Rev. Charles Holms, Rev. Donald Craft, Rev. Arturo C. Inion, and Rev. Kiatisak Siripandorn.
The Association of the Romprakhun Fundamental Baptist Churches is a body made up of elected pastors (front row). and appointed advisiors (back row) for our group of more than 30 churches and gospel centers in Thailand.
This leadership same group of men have been appointed by our fellowship of churches to be the Board of Directors for the newly formed Thailand Association of Baptist Churches for World Evangelism (or TABWE), the Thailand missionary arm of the Fellowship of Romprakhun Baptist Churches, a group of churches founded by the Philippine Association of Baptists for World Evangelization.
Article by
Don and Gail
3:07 PM